Sunday, June 17, 2012

Into the Darkness


Into the Darkest Corner is an intense, psychological thriller that had me reading long into the early morning hours.  The present has Catherine dealing with a crippling case of OCD as well as post traumatic stress syndrome following her involvement in an abusive relationship.  An alternating timeline is of a  younger Catherine, a bit of a party girl, who falls in love with a charming, charismatic mystery man, whose dark and abusive side insidiously and quickly traps her in a situation that she can't escape.  

Elizabeth Haynes has written an intensely terrifying debut novel  with characters that are vivid and unforgettable.  The descent into an abusive relationship and the paralyzing effect of OCD was amazingly written and as a reader, and the reader is convinced that escape from either is not a simple matter.  I'm looking forward to Hayne's next book.

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